Considered a castle, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is the main fictional setting of the Harry Potter Novels. Our depiction shows a portion of the campus, highlighting the Great Hall and the Great Tower.
Honeydukes is a popular sweets shop located in Hogsmeade that is usually crowded with Hogwarts students and sometimes with the professors of Hogwarts. The shop is filled with many different kinds of wonderful and wild sweets. Lighted Buildings
Musical snowglobe with wind-up music features
A beautiful wedding gift nativity made in Italy by Fontanini. Help the newlyweds start their own nativity traditions. Fontanini Nativity Wedding Creche Scene in 5 inch scale. Includes wooden / moss / bark stable with the Holy Family and two cherubs.
Harry Potter's favorite place to spend his holidays away from Hogwarts is with the l Weasley family at their country home, nicknamed the Burrow. It may be ramshackle, cramped and even a little crooked on its axis, but there's not a homier home to be.
Stable in Resin for 5'' Fontanini collection, Lighted with a LED Starry Lights.
''Deer and Fawn Family'' Musical water globe 5.5''H 130604
The Three Broomsticks offers a place for upper classmen from Hogwarts to gather and unwind. The favorite drink? Butterbeer. Masterfully designed architecture captures the quirky, multi peaked roof lines.
This Jim Shore Possible Dreams Clothtique figurine personifies Winter. 12 in H x 6 in W x 8.5 in L